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Sinus Pressure and Dizziness Without Congestion

The sinuses are hollow cavities within the bones and other cells found within the face or skull connected to eachother. These are found from the cheekbones, the middle of the forehead, between your eyes at the bridge of one's nose, and also at the bones at the back of the nasal cavity. Pink tissue known as mucosa lines the sinuses. The sinuses usually stay hollow, aside from a small coating of mucus. If these soft cells become inflamed for a single reason or another &; cold, allergies, a reaction to pollutants -- you can experience sinus pain or nasal congestion. You get yourself a sense of heaviness, tenderness, and intense discomfort on the face in areas that lie across the sinus cavities. The nasal passages become congested. The attention could swell. You might lose your sense of smell. Your headaches. It becomes hard to breathe. There could be nasal discharge or coughing. There is a wide array of potential causes for sinus congestion and pain. Cold weather, allergies,

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